Please find information about Askham Bryan virtual open evening week.beginning 11th-15th May

Virtual open evening week,  Week beginning 11th-15th May

We have organised a Virtual Open Event Week: Monday 11th May – Friday 15th May. Starting with an introduction to our college, we will then be hosting a series of Q and A alongside some pre-recorded presentations on all of our courses and support areas. Students will be able to ask questions on their course and other topics such as transport, accommodation, learning support and applying to study with us. We are setting up the Zoom links for each session and all those interested must book online via our What’s On page: As part of their booking they will receive a link through to our ‘Find out More’ page: This is currently being updated with our departmental presentations to accompany our course guides and virtual tour. I would massively appreciate you passing this message on to those interested in studying with us in September and those in younger year groups too. We are really excited to be able to offer a full weeks’ worth of events where students can dip in and out as they please and select the talks they feel are relevant for them. Just a final reminder that as a college we are working on some pre-enrolment activities for those who have applied with us and we are determined that no student be affected by the current situation in their transition from school leaver to Askham Bryan College student. Our Admissions Team are still very much welcoming and processing applications. If you have any questions do let me know – and please stay safe