Please click on the relevant tab to access careers contact details for the correct school.

Careers Leader: Penny Hudson
E-mail: Telephone: 01325 720424
Links: Blog | CEaG Policy | Provider Access Policy | Facebook

Careers Leader: James Raw | Gill Smith
E-mails: |
Telephone: 01325 380815
Links: CEIAG Policy | Provider Access Policy  Facebook

Information for Parents – Longfield

We aim to provide the highest quality careers education, independent advice and guidance possible to raise the aspirations of our pupils and ensure they reach their full potential.

We help students to: –

  • find out about careers and the world of work
  • develop employability skills and personal skills
  • achieve pledges
  • take responsibility for planning their own career pathway

We do this in a variety of ways including: –

  • Personal development programme
  • assemblies
  • visits to and from employers, colleges and universities
  • visiting speakers
  • careers interviews
  • activities delivered within curriculum areas.
  • Year 10 work experience
  • Range of drop down days

Our careers offer is revised annually and available on our website.

Our qualified careers adviser, Mrs Gill Smith, provides independent advice and guidance to pupils at key points throughout their time at Longfield. All pupils in Year 11 will have at least one meeting with Gill however, any pupil or parent / carer can request an appointment if they feel it is necessary. Mrs Smith is based in the library for any pupils wish to talk to her.

Parents / carers are welcome to contact Mrs Smith by telephoning 01325 380815 or  emailing Alternatively, you may arrange a meeting in school to discuss your child’s post-16 options in person.

Mr Raw is responsible for key stage 4/5 transition. His aim is to ensure that all pupils make a successful transition to their chosen college or employment when they leave Longfield. His work includes coordinating the post-16 options evening, working with local colleges and employers, supporting our form tutors in delivering the careers elements of the PSHE programme, and managing the work experience programme with Mrs Smith. Mr Raw can be contacted via reception or by email


Success at school

Careers Advice for parents/careers Advice for parents Archives – The Careers Writers Association and Careers Advice for Parents – Youth Employment UK

This website is owned and operated by Northern Arch Learning Partnership.
Tel: 01325 461315
c/o Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, Vane Terrace, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 7AU, COMPANY No. 7533271